Random tidbits....

Rather than create several hundred blog entries, here’s a compendium of what has been on my mind the past few days….

  • Tomb Raider: Legend - I finished playing all the way through this on the 360 a few minutes ago.  I enjoyed the story, but man, am I the only one that thinks this game has some serious control and camera issues?  I spent just as much time fighting with the grapple and the camera as I did the enemies and puzzles...
  • Windows Vista 5365 - It's finally starting to suck less.  It's moving quicker, the interface is falling together, and it's just finally becoming useable.  However, 750MB of RAM used on startup with Aero Glass and no user apps running?  Please tell me that's bloated because of debug code...It happily dual-boots with XP and runs nicely in both Virtual PC and VMWare for testing, which is nice.
  • GameFly.com - I joined GameFly for no reason about a month ago.  I cancelled before the trial ended.  8-9 days to turn a game around?  That's great if I want to play about 2 games per month.  Suck it.

Ok, so it was 3 items.  There's more floating in my head...I'll get to them later.