GameDev News - Week Ending November 25, 2016 Dev/Tools/Tech Unity Unity 5.3.7p2 / 5.4.3p1 Unity 5.5.0f2 Unreal Building an Unreal Engine Application with Mali Graphics Debugger Support Cocos2d-x Cocos Creator v1.3.2 released! CryEngine An update on our Sandbox interface and the Legacy Editor VR/AR Why Throwing in VR Sucks--and How to Make it Better Windows Windows 10 SDK Preview Build 14965 Released Industry News VR/AR Motorola is first third-party manufacturer to offer access to Google Daydream Xbox One will support streaming to Oculus Rift headset from December 12 Other Call of Duty holds No.1 as Watch Dogs 2 launch sales fall 80% over the original App Annie: Subscriptions model will bleed into mobile gaming GameStop forecasts bigger-than-expected holiday sales drop Farming Simulator 17 hits 1 million sales in a month Unity details Xiaomi partnership Games/Misc/Stuff I Think is Interesting Rez retrospective: A look back at Tetsuya Mizuguchi’s early days The Sound of Sorting - "Audibilization" and Visualization of Sorting Algorithms