GameDev News - Week Ending March 30, 2018
- Dev/Tools/Tech
- Unity
- Unreal
- Microsoft
- Announcing Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 17133 for Fast (and Slow)
- Windows 10 SDK Preview Build 17125
- Visual Studio Code C/C++ extension March 2018 update
- Configuring C++ IntelliSense and Browsing
- Private audience: A new way to test your apps and games in production
- GDC18 videos (shameless self-promotion:my session)
- Other
- Industry News
- Microsoft-related
- Other
- GDC celebrates record-breaking attendance and confirms 2019 dates!
- Everything you missed from GDC 2018
- Sea of Thieves sails to No.1 in UK charts
- The new Dragon Ball game is powered by Google’s cloud
- GameStop annual income down by $300m due to fourth quarter "asset impairment"
- Nintendo Switch reaches four million sold in Japan - report
- Games/Misc/Stuff I Think is Interesting