GameDev News - Week Ending June 9, 2017
- Dev/Tools/Tech
- Unity
* Unity 5.4.5p3 / 5.6.1p3 * Unity 2017.1.0b9 * XR on iOS and macOS * Standard Events Explained: Part 1 – Onboarding * Unity 2017.1 beta feature highlight: Timeline & Cinemachine - MonoGame
* Getting started with MonoGame using XML - CryEngine
* CRYENGINE Master Class: AI - VR/AR
* Lullaby - C++ lib for VR/AR * June Monthly Release Notes * Lessons from the Frontlines: Modern VR Design Patterns - Microsoft
* A Closer Look at the Project Scorpio Xbox Development Kit * Announcing Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 16215 for PC + Build 15222 for Mobile * Microsoft unlocks more RAM on Scorpio for developers * VSCode May 2017 - Other
* Develop May: Sound Shapes * Planning - The Core Reason Why Gameplay Feels Good * Interview: Designing the audio for Planet Coaster
- Unity
- Industry News
- Microsoft-related
* Xbox Unleashed: Our deep-dive study of how millions use Xbox Live - VR/AR
* PSVR over 1million sales says Sony's Shawn Layden * Apple Announces They Are Embracing VR at WWDC17, including Vive Demo * SteamVR updates tracking technology * Vive doubles the number of games on its subscription platform - Other
* “Releasing your mobile game in China is an absolute necessity” * Sony: One in every five PS4s sold is a Pro * Video games in US to grow to $28.5 billion by 2021 - PwC
- Microsoft-related
- Games/Misc/Stuff I Think is Interesting