GameDev News - Week Ending June 30, 2017
- Dev/Tools/Tech
- Unity
* Unity 5.6.2p1 / 5.4.5p4 * Unity 2017.1.0f1 * Unite Europe Keynote * Unite Europe 2017 Keynote Recap: Connecting, Creating, and the Future of Unity * Feature Highlight: Unity Teams * Unity AI-themed Blog Entries - Unreal
* Static Analysis as Part of the Development Process in Unreal Engine - Microsoft
* PIX 1706.25.002 – system monitor and timing capture improvements * Windows 10 SDK Preview Build 16225 Released * Announcing Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 16232 for PC + Build 15228 for Mobile * Visual Studio 2017 Version 15.3 Preview * Visual Studio Code C/C++ extension June 2017 Update * Dream.Build.Play 2017 - Other
* Game Design Deep Dive: Visualizing Cryptark's 2D sci-fi world * Rise & Shine : Audio post-mortem * The Agony and Ecstasy of Coming Up with Achievement Names * How Prey uses a foliage shader to make its aliens look alien
- Unity
- Industry News
- Games/Misc/Stuff I Think is Interesting