GameDev News - Week Ending June 23, 2017
- Dev/Tools/Tech
- Unity
* Unity 5.6.2f1 * Unity 5.5.4p1 * Unity 2017.1.0b10 * Introducing a new Asset Store experience - Unreal
* Optimize Your Unreal Engine Applications for Mobile with ARM's Mali Graphics Debugger - Cocos2d-x
* Cocos Creater v1.5.1 - CryEngine
* New Push Coming to GitHub - CE 5.4 Sneak Peek - Microsoft
* Announcing Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 16226 for PC * Q&A: Making sense of the Xbox One X - an interview with Mike Ybarra * Q&A: How Microsoft is pitching the Xbox One X to devs (and consumers) * C++ Tutorial: Debugging Overview - Other
* Developer Q&A: The blessing and the curse of early buzz for Rime * FUZE Code Studio is coming to Nintendo Switch in 2018 * Sony wants to inspire the next generation of coders with 'KOOV' robotics kit * Corona 2D game engine is now 'completely free' * The flexible game engine
- Unity
- Industry News
* Texas judge calls for an end to Oculus and ZeniMax's "big, hairy fight" * New VRDC VR/AR Innovation Report reveals the HTC Vive is devs' top target * Valve's SteamVR "Knuckles" controller tracks all five fingers * One in three VR/AR projects in development will be platform-exclusive - Other
* The E3 Interview: PlayStation's Jim Ryan * Horizon: Zero Dawn back at No.1 in UK physical charts * US games spending fell 11% on weak software market - NPD * EA's Evolution: Free DLC, neural networks and (maybe) VR * Is PlayLink the PS4's missing link to casual consumers?
- Games/Misc/Stuff I Think is Interesting