GameDev News - Week Ending June 2, 2017
- Dev/Tools/Tech
- Unity
* Unity 5.6.1p2 * Unity 2017.1.0b8 * Introducing Remote Settings: Update your game in an instant - Lumberyard
* SpeedTree 8 – Free for Lumberyard Developers - VR/AR
* ManoMotion announce new hand tracking SDK for VR and AR * Object Interaction Part 4: Constrained Interactions - Other
* Tiled 1.0 released * The Develop Post-Mortem: Rainbow Six Siege * One Month Polish: Taking a Game from Ugly to Pretty As A Non-Artist
- Unity
- Industry News
* Almost every new Rift owner has bought Touch controllers - Other
* Report: Nintendo significantly ramps up Switch production * PlayStation 3 production shut down in Japan * Take-Two acquires Kerbal Space Program * App Store revenue breaks $70bn * The Pokémon Company profits up 2500% * Nintendo Switch online service pushed back to 2018 * Valve will charge devs $100 to publish games through Steam Direct
- Games/Misc/Stuff I Think is Interesting