GameDev News - Week Ending June 16, 2017
- Dev/Tools/Tech
- Unity
* Unity 5.6.1p4 * #CodeSnippets: Toggle Vive’s front facing camera and “Tron Mode” at run time * A Look Inside: Evolving Automation - CryEngine
* Master Class: Procedural Animation Technology - Microsoft
* C++ Tutorial: Hello World * CMake support in Visual Studio – what’s new in 2017 15.3 Preview 2 - Other
* EA wants to use machine learning to create real-time game narratives * Indie Design Process: 13 Steps to go from Idea to Coding
- Unity
- Industry News
- Microsoft-related
* Correction: Undercounted usage data in our Xbox Unleashed analysis * 64% of UK Xbox One owners didn't buy a physical game in the last year - Kantar * Microsoft adding original Xbox backwards compatibility to Xbox One * PC will also get original Xbox titles and Game Pass, says Spencer * Xbox Avatar 2.0 to be more inclusive of users - VR/AR
* Was VR the biggest loser of E3 2017? - Other
* E3 2017: Day One Highlights * Which E3 reveals took the internet by storm? * PlayStation 4 hits 60.4 million sales * Roundtable: The best and worst of E3 * Humble Bundle adds game library to subscription service * Steam Direct launches, replacing Greenlight submission programme * Tencent pursuing Rovio buyout - Report
- Microsoft-related
- Games/Misc/Stuff I Think is Interesting