GameDev News - Week Ending December 4, 2015
- Dev/Tools/Tech
- Unity
- Unreal
- Windows
- VS2015 Update 1
- VS2015 Update 1 released
- Improvements for C++ Edit and Continue in VS2015 Update 1
- Coroutines in VS2015 Update 1
- Windows 10 SDK (November 2015) Updates for Games
- VS2015 Update 1 (Compiler and CRT)
- What's New in VS2015 Update 1 for Managed Languages
- .NET Framework 4.6.1
- C++ Modules in VS2015 Update 1
- Win10 SDK 10586 breakdown
- Building a game with Babylon.js
- Getting Started with Project Islandwood
- DirectXMath 3.08
- Evolving Solitaire
- VS2015 Update 1
- Cocos2d-x
- Other
- Industry News
- Microsoft-related
- Other
- Leadwerks Game Engine tops 10,000 paid users
- Flash dead?!?!?!
- Mobile giant DeNA hit by layoffs in Southeast Asia
- Supercell partners with Apple to use its IAP-selling power for charity
- Amazon granted augmented reality patents
- Rock Band VR is coming to Oculus
- Double Fine crowdfunding Psychonauts 2 on Fig
- Games/Misc/Stuff I Think is Interesting