GameDev News - Week Ending December 1, 2017
- Dev/Tools/Tech
- Unity
* Unity 5.5.5p2 / 2017.2.0p3 * Unity 2017.3.0f1 * Introducing the Simple Animation Component * Learn how Google’s Poly works with Unity EditorXR - Unreal
* Google Poly API Announced, Poly Toolkit SDK for Unreal Released * Debugging UFunction::Invoke - Cocos2d-x
* Cocos Creator 1.7.0 released - Lumberyard
* The Questions of MatchMaking: Wait Time VS Match Quality - CryEngine
* Introduction to the Designer Tool - VR/AR
* Rift Core 2.0 Updates: Beta Coming Soon, Plus Redesigned Desktop App Experience - Microsoft
* Windows 10 SDK Preview Build 17046 now available - Other
* Developers share their most memorable dirty coding tricks * The sunk cost fallacy: Devs describe how it almost destroyed them * The Poor Man's 3D Camera * Dev snapshot: Godot 3.0 beta 1
- Unity
- Industry News
* More than one million VR headsets sold last quarter - Other
* Nintendo Switch on track to outpace ten-month sales of the Wii by 20% * UK charts: PS4 and PSVR enjoy a strong Black Friday * Pokemon Go developer Niantic nets $200M in funding * Black Friday creates biggest software week of 2017 thanks to bundles * Sony posts record Black Friday hardware sales * Global gaming revenue on par with sports at $149bn for 2017 * PUBG going mobile with Tencent's help * Unity buys GAME's Multiplay Digital business for £19m * Autodesk to cut 1,150 employees amidst restructuring * Gazillion Entertainment closes its doors, laying off all staff * EA share dip wipes $3 billion from publisher’s value * Games industry is going 100% digital - Take-Two * Digital revenues up 15% in October - Superdata * Alexa, Let’s Play a Game – Introducing New Gaming Experiences
- Games/Misc/Stuff I Think is Interesting