Coding4Fun Book Contest Winner!

imageIt’s time to announce the winner of my contest to win a copy of our Coding4Fun book!  15 people entered the contest via my forum.  I assigned each of them a 0-based index in the order in which they submitted their entry.  The final list was:

  • leif902 = 0
  • jcauble = 1
  • krakerjak = 2
  • RoryBecker = 3
  • amrkamel = 4
  • anonymous = 5
  • Arrowofdarkness = 6
  • qiuliocc = 7
  • hanan = 8
  • Amira = 9
  • helpware = 10
  • michaelb = 11
  • FunnyX = 12
  • John Bisschop = 13
  • juanformoso = 14
  • bringo = 15

Now, I did say you had to sign up using a valid user account, but the anonymous person linked to their blog which had contact info, so I decided to allow their entry in the mix….

To pick the winner, I wrote up a single line snippet in the ever-popular Snippet Compiler, pressed F5, and the result was…


That’s number 11, which indexes to michaelb and his winning post!  Thanks to everyone that entered for their support and kind words!